We started out with a yummy breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns all made by Erik our breakfast chef.
Followed by some relaxing time while I got the turkey prepped and into the oven. Then we watched the Macy's day parade on the DVR. We've decided the DVR is the only way to watch that parade because it has so much extra junk in it. We watched a 3 hour parade in 1/2 hour.
Once the parade was over, it was on to our annual turkey cupcakes. I actually hadn't planned on them being an annual thing, but it was all Nick talked about, so it looks like we've set a tradition. Unfortunately, we had to be a bit creative because I didn't think to buy the candy corn for it until after Halloween, and apparently they don't carry candy corn for Thanksgiving anymore.
Nick decorating his first turkey
Erik decorating his turkey.
Erik's first turkey completed.
My first turkey completed
And somehow we lost the picture of Nick's first turkey, although he was flying through them so fast it was hard to keep up.
And here, are the final turkeys:
Once the turkey cupcakes were done, Erik decided to go out and hand Christmas lights. Sounded like a good idea, turned out to not be such a great idea, I don' think we'll ever put lights up on Thanksgiving again. He hung up a string or two and all was going well, and then suddenly they went off. In trying to find the cause, we discovered that all of the outside outlets, and all of the original garage outlets (not the ones put in for his shop, but the ones that came with the house) had all gone out too. Including the one for the deep freezer. Fortunately, since some outlets in the garage were still on, we were able to use an extension chord for the freezer. Even better, none of the house ones went out, except one that we don't use. So, we spent a while trying to figure out why everything was out, and if it was a fire hazard or if we were going to need to call an electrician on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Fortunately, after dinner Erik figured it out and got them all fixed.
Then, it was on to dinner:
The annual olives on the fingers shot.
Sitting down to dinner. We stick pretty basic for our actual meal, but we pulled out our china and crystal for the meal, it makes it feel special, and gives us a chance to use it. Turns out, we don't have any serving dishes. Also turns out, we don't care :)
Eating dinner
Nick wanted to do a "cheers" as he calls it. He almost broke all the glasses the first time, but by the second time shown here, it went smoothly. And for anyone wondering... yes that's coke in our cups, neither of us is particularly fond of wine or champagne.
Turns out that Nick doesn't like apple pie, at least not the kind we had. Fortunately we found that out before Thanksgiving day, because he'd been looking forward to the pie all week. So, we ran over to the grocery store a couple of days ahead of time and picked him up a cherry pie. They only had this little mini-pie, but we thought that'd be perfect, since it wouldn't have a ton left over. Unfortunately, the pie turned out to be rather tart and very, very thick, so he didn't like it anyways. Cherry pie is his favorite, so it must've just been a not so good pie (I didn't like it myself either). Still, he was quite excited about the pie.
And that pretty much finishes up our Thanksgiving. Hope everyone else had a good one too!
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