Monday, September 21, 2009

INL Science Expo

On Saturday we went over to the annual INL (Idaho National Laboratories) scence expo. It's an annual event and this is the second time we've gone. Some things had changed, but a lot of the events had stayed the same. It was fun though to see the difference in Nick's maturity level as he approached different exhibits. His interests have certainly changed. Here are a few photos from the day.


Here is Nick driving a robot. These are the robots the bomb squad uses to diffuse bombs. He was Mr. Speed Racer while driving, almost ran the robot into a table he was driving it so fast!


This is the robot he was driving.


We made a little rocket and then launched it using air pressure. Nick did this one last year too, it's a lot of fun. His rocket flew pretty good this year. This photo shows him pumping up the launcher.


And now for the launch!


Watching the wave lengths produced by humming into a microphone (you were supposed to try to make your voice match the wave length on the screen but Nick didn't get that part, so he just had fun making the waves jump :)

There were lots of other fun things too, but not much for getting photos of.

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